
Published September 4, 2011
Michael Martinez
Title: AS3 MadComponents Tutorial Series - Separation of Concerns Date: 2011-09-04 16:42 Author: Michael Category: AS3 Tag: Flash, MadComponents, UI Slug: as3-madcomponents-tutorial-series-separation-of-concerns Status: published
Best practices for programming tell us separation of concerns, encapsulation and modularity are desirable in most, but not all, application contexts. A complex app with many views and/or items could quickly get out of control in a plethora of ways within the monolithic class context.
The project I’m working on has nearly 50 separate views and consist of mostly textual data. So my first task was learning the method(s) to separate class files the MadComponentway. This example will be quite simple but will illustrate how one would go about using different AS class files to separate concerns.
User Story: A list based component is chosen by the user. This item navigates to a “details” page or another component with more data.
Lets build the “landing page” or main application page;
First the XML layout:
:::actionscript3 public class SeparateClassExample extends Sprite{ protected static const DATA:XML = ; protected static const LIST:XML = {DATA}; //Important protected static const NAVIGATION:XML = {LIST} {Page0.LAYOUT} {Page1.LAYOUT} ; protected var _uiNavigation:UINavigation; ```
The DATA constant simply defines the items that will populate the list. The LIST constant accepts the DATA constant and applies some basic formatting, Ie. colour (note the UK spelling). We also implement the search feature here which will filter the list based on the item’s label. (I have experimented with different search methods, but have been unsuccessful thus far… we will explore this later).
The NAVIGATION constant is actually the heart and soul of this simple app. You can think of the NAVIGATION constant as an Array of data that you define in XML and classes. As my astute readers will probably note based on a quick glance. We haven’t defined Page0, Page1 and you can’t spot LAYOUT anywhere. These are defined separate class files, although not completely necessary, it helps me keep things organized.
We declare the _uiNavigation instance or class level variable which we’ll define in subsequent steps.
Lets move on to the constructor:
:::actionscript3"} public function SeparateClassExample(screen:Sprite = null) { if (screen){ screen.addChild(this); } // support autoOrients stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; // Create the main UI or "Landing Page" UI.create(this, NAVIGATION); // Initialize "views" Page0.initialize(); Page1.initialize(); // Navigation layout and behaviour _uiNavigation = UINavigation(UI.findViewById("nav")); _uiNavigation.autoForward = false; // Must set to false otherwise the app scrolls through all the pages in the "stack" _uiNavigation.autoBack = false; // Go to the "page" requested _uiNavigation.addEventListener(UIList.CLICKED, navigationChange); // Go Back using the Nav bar back button _uiNavigation.navigationBar.backButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, goBack); // Go back using the hardware back button _uiNavigation.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, goBackButton); _uiNavigation.navigationBar.backButton.colour = 999999; } ```
The UI.create method instantiates the UI or “landing page” and all of the code relating to the use of MadComponents must be implemented after this method call. We initialize Page0 with a call to a public method inside the Page0 class. This method can be named anything you like.
We then instantiate the uiNavigation variable to the NAVIGATION constant defined at the class level through the id we can name arbitrarily. We can now programmatically add formatting, assign event listeners and so forth to the uiNavigation variable.
The first event listener UI.CLICKED will direct the navigation to the “page” that is assigned to the index of the NAVIGATION constant. In this case 0 is the list itself, while 1 and 2 will be Page0 and Page1 respectively.
The second event listener is assigned to the navigationBar.backButton and is a simple MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP event. As you will see, this event will handle the back button that is added to the navigation bar once we have navigated away from the main list.
The third event listener is added to handle the device back button, generally this is an Android device. I found through testing that if autoBack is set to false, you lose back button functionality. In some cases you may want the autoBack functionality, but its not appropriate in this context as it will scroll through the stack of items defined in the NAVIGATION constant. This event listener simply adds the devices back button into the app.
Daniel is working on documentation as we speak, but a good starting place to learn about the framework are the PDF(s) included on the download page. You can see what I’ve done to customize the uiNavigation variable based on the comments added into the code.
Now lets handle the events we declared in the constructor:
:::actionscript3 public function navigationChange(event:Event):void { var navIndex:int = _uiNavigation.index; // Check to see if current page is @ 0 to set correct title if(_uiNavigation.pages[0]){ _uiNavigation.title = "Home"; } // navigation Stuff if(navIndex == 0){ _uiNavigation.goToPage(1, UIPages.SLIDE_LEFT); _uiNavigation.title = "Page 0"; } else if (navIndex == 1){ _uiNavigation.goToPage(2, UIPages.SLIDE_LEFT); _uiNavigation.title = "Page 1"; } } // For the back button in the Navigation bar protected function goBack(event:Event):void { _uiNavigation.goToPage(0, UIPages.SLIDE_RIGHT); _uiNavigation.title = "Home"; } // With autoBack set to false, you lose the device back button for some reason // You can use the Native App library to check for a device back button event protected function goBackButton(event:KeyboardEvent):void{ if(event.keyCode == Keyboard.BACK){ _uiNavigation.goToPage(0, UIPages.SLIDE_RIGHT); _uiNavigation.title = "Home"; } } } } ```
In this example, I want the navigationChange event to take the user to the page associated with the index they select. We let the gotoPage method do all the heavy lifting and add a nice visual transition. Beyond that the back button in the navigation bar and the device back button (if available) simply takes the user back to the list. If you’ve followed any of the tutorials mentioned in the starting out post, you will not see anything surprising here. The exception is maybe the event handler for the back button which is similar to the way one handles an event on the decktop or web based flash application.
A little gotcha I found is when you don’t explicitly set the title, the navigation component will leave the previous title in the navigation bar despite the change. Checking to make sure its set correctly just adds a bit of polish.
Now lets add the separate class “views” or Page0 and Page1:
:::actionscript3 package { import com.danielfreeman.madcomponents.*; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.StageAlign; import flash.display.StageScaleMode; import; import flash.system.Capabilities; import flash.text.TextField; public class Page0 extends Sprite { public static const LAYOUT:XML = ; protected static var _message:UILabel; public function Patient() { super(); } public static function initialize():void{ _message = UILabel(UI.findViewById("message0")); _message.htmlText = "App Considerations:Is it AWESOME?Are you going to BroGram? Sup?More Stuff"; } } } ```
This is a basic page layout using HTML text. LAYOUT is the constant we call from within the NAVIGATION constant in the Main class as you’ve seen. If I may direct your attention to the constructor, notice that UI.create is not used here. In this case, we “instantiate” the layout through the public initialize method mentioned earlier. Also note, ID’s for the components for each page need to be different. Ie. Page0 label has an id of “message0”. Page1 will need a label id of “message1” to work as one would expect. Flash requires string literals to be on the same line. In my working app this line is almost ridiculously long, no need to worry as the text will render as you’ve defined.
This is the “MAIN” class in all its glory.
:::actionscript3 package { import com.danielfreeman.madcomponents.*; import flash.desktop.NativeApplication; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.StageAlign; import flash.display.StageScaleMode; import; import; import; import flash.ui.Keyboard; public class SeparateClassExample extends Sprite{ protected static const DATA:XML = ; protected static const LIST:XML = {DATA}; // Each additional "Page" needs to have different id's //for the components, even when they are separated into separate classes protected static const NAVIGATION:XML = {LIST} {Page0.LAYOUT} {Page1.LAYOUT} ; protected var _uiNavigation:UINavigation; public function SeparateClassExample(screen:Sprite = null) { if (screen){ screen.addChild(this); } // support autoOrients stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; // Create the main UI or "Landing Page" UI.create(this, NAVIGATION); // Initialize "views" Page0.initialize(); Page1.initialize(); // Navigation layout and behaviour _uiNavigation = UINavigation(UI.findViewById("nav")); _uiNavigation.autoForward = false; // Must set to false otherwise the app scrolls through all the pages in the "stack" _uiNavigation.autoBack = false; // Go to the "page" requested _uiNavigation.addEventListener(UIList.CLICKED, navigationChange); // Go Back using the Nav bar back button _uiNavigation.navigationBar.backButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, goBack); // Go back using the hardware back button _uiNavigation.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, goBackButton); _uiNavigation.navigationBar.backButton.colour = 999999; } public function navigationChange(event:Event):void { var navIndex:int = _uiNavigation.index; // Check to see if current page is @ 0 to set correct title if(_uiNavigation.pages[0]){ _uiNavigation.title = "Home"; } // navigation Stuff if(navIndex == 0){ _uiNavigation.goToPage(1, UIPages.SLIDE_LEFT); _uiNavigation.title = "Page 0"; } else if (navIndex == 1){ _uiNavigation.goToPage(2, UIPages.SLIDE_LEFT); _uiNavigation.title = "Page 1"; } } // For the back button in the Navigation bar protected function goBack(event:Event):void { _uiNavigation.goToPage(0, UIPages.SLIDE_RIGHT); _uiNavigation.title = "Home"; } // With autoBack set to false, you lose the device back button for some reason // You can use the Native App library to check for a device back button event protected function goBackButton(event:KeyboardEvent):void{ if(event.keyCode == Keyboard.BACK){ _uiNavigation.goToPage(0, UIPages.SLIDE_RIGHT); _uiNavigation.title = "Home"; } } } } } ```