
Published May 19, 2011
Michael Martinez
Title: Abecedario Infantil Date: 2011-05-19 12:16 Author: Michael Category: Android Slug: abecedario-infantil-spanish-alphabet-for-children Status: published
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Alt Text
Abecedario Infantil is an application that will teach you or your child the alphabet in Spanish in a fun and interactive way.
The Letras y Sonidos(letters & sounds)button will show you the correct pronunciation of the letter, it is audible when the letter card is loaded. If you miss the sound, simply touch the card and it will play again. This screen also includes a picture of an object or animal with the corresponding name in Spanish. In a future version, the card will also play those words. The Signos (Signs) button will teach the basic sign language alphabet.
We are working on more interactive Spanish/English activities, so please stay tuned.
A bit of advice if I may: My three year old (ver 1.0) likes to touch the card, what seems like a thousand times, before moving on the the next letter. Adjust volume controls as necessary.
My wife is from Colombia and speaks nothing but Spanish to our children. A spectacular consequence is the ability of my children (1.0 only, as 2.0 is still too young to speak) to switch between English and Spanish effortlessly. What we found amazing is that while 1.0 speaks Spanish, he really didn’t know the alphabet. This app has really changed that and 1.0 know knows his Spanish alphabet as well as the English alphabet.

Main Screen

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Letras y Sonidos:

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