
Published September 21, 2010
Michael Martinez
Title: A little JAVA; Overloaded Method Date: 2010-09-21 13:32 Author: Michael Category: Programming Tags: Code, Java Slug: a-little-java-overloaded-method Status: published
Overloaded methods are handy for situations when you want to pass parameters in varying ways. I’m sure this is really simple stuff for veteran Java Jedi’s, but it may come in handy for a beginner like myself. Notice that the name of the method is the same for all three. The Java complier/runtime is actually smart enough to determine which one to use. Keep the variable names different unless you plan to use a “this” reference…. and watch your data types as you may run into an Ambiguous compile time error.
The first method passes in three parameters:
:::java public void computeNetPay(double hrs, double rtePay, double taxRate) { //var to hold tax amount double Withholding; //assign vars Hours = hrs; ratePay = rtePay; rateTaxes = taxRate; //calc gross gross = Hours * ratePay; //calc amount to withhold from taxes Withholding = gross * rateTaxes; //Find Net Pay net = gross - Withholding; System.out.println("This method recieved three parameters and net pay is " + net); }
The second passes in two parameters and the third passes in one parameter as you can see from the rest of the code here:
:::java public class Pay { private double Hours; private double ratePay; private double rateTaxes; private double gross; private double net; public void computeNetPay(double hrs, double rtePay, double taxRate) { //var to hold tax amount double Withholding; //assign vars Hours = hrs; ratePay = rtePay; rateTaxes = taxRate; //calc gross gross = Hours * ratePay; //calc amount to withhold from taxes Withholding = gross * rateTaxes; //Find Net Pay net = gross - Withholding; System.out.println("This method recieved three parameters and net pay is " + net); } public void computeNetPay(double hrs, double rtePay){ double Withholding; //assign tax rate rateTaxes = 0.15; Hours = hrs; ratePay = rtePay; gross = Hours * ratePay; Withholding = gross * rateTaxes; net = gross - Withholding; System.out.println("This method recieved two parameters and net pay is " + net); } public void computeNetPay(double hrs){ double Withholding; Hours = hrs; rateTaxes = 0.15; //assign Pay rate ratePay = 5.85; gross = Hours * ratePay; Withholding = gross * rateTaxes; net = gross - Withholding; System.out.println("This method recieved one parameters and net pay is " + net); }